The Omicron Plus Fund of ldeA Fimit has sold Palazzo Broggi, former headquarters of Credito Italiano located in Milan in Piazza Cordusio, to the Chinese of Fosun. The interest of the Chinese in the building had been known for some time, that the deal could close these days had been announced. The purchase of Fosun took place through the Portuguese insurance company Fidelidade, at a price of 345 million euros. Fosun has gradually won the competition of the real estate group Hines, allied with the Adia fund of Abu Dhabi, that of the Singapore sovereign fund Gic and the European duo made up of the Italian group Prelios and London Regional Properties. The closing of the transaction represents a case of success for the Omicron Plus fund, which “fully achieves the financial objectives identified since the initial competitive sale procedure, desired for the maximum transparency of the transaction”, reads a note from Idea Fimit.

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